+49 6251 704708 0 info@CuroCon.de

Our downloads

Are you looking for further information about our company, our products and services or our applications? We have provided the relevant downloads for you here. Do you have any questions or would you like to discuss your concerns with us? We look forward to hearing from you via form or e-mail to info@curocon.de.


Here you can get free information about our company CuroCon as well as about contractual conditions.

Products & Services

Here you can get free information about our products and services.



stationary automation

  CuroContest - Universal test stand for applications in development, small series production and quality control

  CuroContract - Scalable electric motor and traction test bench

 CuroControl M - Universal measurement data acquisition for monitoring processes and applications

 CuroControl MS - Real-time capable universal measurement data acquisition for monitoring and control of processes and applications

 CuroControl MSR - Automation system for measuring - controlling - regulating processes in real time 

  CuroControl MSRV- Universal PC-based test and automation system for measurement - control - regulation - virtualization

 CuroControl RV  - the control box for the operation of multi-machine and compound controls in test bench and plant engineering.

  CuroConvirt - Virtual test bench for simulation of a real test environment

mobile automation

  CuroControl Mdx  - the driver information system consisting of a combination of the mobile measuring box CuroControl®Mx and a user interface.

  CuroControl MSx - Diagnostic tool and service monitor for mobile applications

 CuroControl MSRVx- Universal PC-based test and automation system for measurement - control - regulation - virtualization

  CuroControl Mx  - the mobile measurement box for recording real driving data, measured values and RDE (Real Drive Emissions) in real time

 CuroControl RVx - the mobile control/regulation box for prototype applications in electromobility

 CuroControl SRx  - the mobile control/regulation device for series applications in electromobility with integrated safety functionality and service interface

energetic automation

 CuroControl MSdc - the individual AC and DC charging park solution in electromobility

 DC-Link-UP - the individual solution for DC charging

 DC-Link-UP Phantom-Prüfsystem – Mobile test system for testing charging technology in the field in compliance with calibration law using a phantom test concept


Here you can get free information about our applications and user reports.


 evTrailer - Information about the evTrailer
 Carvia - Information on the Carvia municipal electric vehicle
 User report_EKM_Messfahrten-VWPassatGTE  - User report EKM using CuroControl Mx, VWPassatGTE
 User_report_EKM_Measurement_drives-BMW225xe  - User report EKM using CuroControl Mx, BMW225xe
 User_report_EKM_Measurement_drives-MercedesC350e  - User report EKM using CuroControl Mx, MercedesC350e