After the first real measurement runs for the exhaust gas and consumption measurement with full hybrid vehicles in 2016, ElringKlinger Motortechnik GmbH has meanwhile further trials completed.
This time, CuroCon provided a BMW 225x from its fleet. As with the first measurements, ElringKlinger Motortechnik equipped the current test vehicle with a emission measuring system (PEMS) and a wide range of other sensors. For the purposes of comparability, the tried-and-tested CuroCon ® Mx system was again used on the same RDE test track for the central collection of all measurement data in real time.
After completing the test drives, the measurement results were processed and the driving modes were compared. As expected, the most favorable distance consumption is achieved in the AUTO Eco and MAX eDrive modes. In the SAVE Battery charging mode, on the other hand, the pure fuel consumption is almost twice as high. Taking into account the consumed electricity energy (-> converted into equivalent fuel), the consumption is still about 1/3 higher. CO and NO emissions are also comparatively high in SAVE mode. For city driving, the AUTO Eco and MAX eDrive modes are clearly preferable, assuming a fully charged battery.
The test drives with the BMW 225xe have confirmed that with the appropriate operating strategy - mapped in the driving modes - there is significant savings potential in terms of consumption and pollutant emissions. Further potential is offered by optimizing the drive components. Road tests with other full hybrid vehicles are already in preparation.
Download the complete case study: User report EKM measurement runs BMW225xe