Under the patronage of District Administrator Thomas Will, companies, chambers and administrations have been working together in the "Automotive Cluster" since 2003 with the aim of securing and further expanding the automotive location. Alternative drive technologies play an important role here: The Innovation Project Group meets about every six weeks to discuss current topics in the field of electromobility. This involves both drive technologies and issues relating to electronics and infrastructure. The Bensheim-based company, which specializes in the construction and operation of industrial testing equipment has specialized in plays an important role in this from the very beginning. In mid-October, "CuroCon" will therefore also be represented at the joint booth of the Automotive Cluster at the "eCarTec" trade fair in Munich.
District Administrator Thomas Will took the opportunity to once again promote the use of the charging station at the District Office: "Here, electricity for electric vehicles of all kinds is not only available free of charge, but also environmentally friendly from solar energy!" The fact that the first user came from the ranks of the "Automotive Cluster," of all things, was more than just a happy coincidence, he said: "It's clear here that the automotive suppliers in the region are at the forefront not only in the development, but also in the application of future technologies!"
©Kreis Groß-Gerau
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