The organisation bundles companies from business, science and politics to implement projects that make the location more future-oriented and competitive.
In an interview, one of the managing directors of CuroCon GmbH, Michael Wißbach, talks to the Engineering Region Darmstadt Rhine Main Neckar about the advantages of the region and the need to promote the location.
Mr Wißbach emphasises how important it is to exchange ideas with other companies within regional networks:
"In the region, the automotive supply industry is a key industry that is organised in the Automotive Cluster RheinMainNeckar. This bundles the strengths of the individual companies and enables synergies between them. Highly specialised companies can work together and thus expand their range of services.“
Not only the location and the exchange with other companies but also the close contact to science is of fundamental importance:
"...For our company, the topic of research and development plays a very important role. Without research, our know-how does not develop further and our company does not remain competitive in regional and international comparison.... We see research and development, including sustainable cooperation with regional colleges and universities, as an entrepreneurial sub-function for the acquisition of new knowledge. The sustainable use of knowledge resources is crucial for future competitiveness in the market."
Mr Wißbach sees good chances for the region to remain fit for the future, however, identification with the location must be strengthened and cooperation between companies must be further developed.
Read the whole interview at: ⇒ "People of the Region" ⇒ "Company ideas"
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