The Automotive Cluster
The Automotive Cluster project groups on electromobility arose from the members' need to deal with future topics of the automotive industry in various groups and to find partners who complement their own skills and to jointly develop the group's know-how further, thus forming a functioning network. The foundation for this work was laid at an Automotive Cluster event. Members from a wide range of topics met and formed groups, which have since been working together independently of the Automotive Cluster.
The topics of the various project groups are on the one hand very different, such as the project group automation and the project group skilled workers, on the other hand unites them the common denominator future-relevant problems to solve. Mr. Müller and Mr. Wißbach are both involved in different project groups.
The CuroCon GmbH in the Cluster
Mr. Müller is a member of the Automation project group and Mr. Wißbach heads the Innovation project group. Regularly, the project circles meet to advance ideas, identify needs and develop them into concepts or solutions. Dabei ist eine Schwierigkeit, das Know-how der Unternehmen zu bündeln und in die richtigen Wege zu kanalisieren. But all participants are confident that initial teething troubles will soon be overcome and that the full potential of the project groups will then unfold.
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