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The project was developed within the framework of the Master thesis from Mrs Annette Ruppert presented at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences on 23.03.09.

The idea of the concept was to reduce the effort of mechanical HiL test benches.

This was realised by moving more real components into the simulation. Within the work, a real-time system was designed that generates output force signals. The output signal of the real-time system summarises the overall behaviour of the simulated mechanical components.

A linear motor was chosen as the mechanical actuator. For the work, a market analysis of the required hardware and software components was carried out and a test system was set up. Mechanical models were created in MATLAB/Simulink and executed as real-time simulation with RT-Lab.

By coupling the real-time system with the linear motor, a load simulation could be realised. The visualisation and parameterisation of a user interface with connection to the real-time system was carried out with LabView.
